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JAV Porn CAWD-656 Ito Mayuki

“I’m a girl who doesn’t cum”

I’m not interested in sex at all.

Because it doesn’t feel like a lie.

I found a boy at school reading a manga I’m interested in.

“Do you have all the volumes? Can I come to your room?”

I just wanted to read the manga.

A boy and girl are alone in a room… the boy is expecting some erotic development.

“Um, I guess staying over is a good idea…

I’m a guy too, so I might attack you.”

I found some adult videos in the drawer earlier,

but it seems like he likes to watch slutty movies.

I’m sure he won’t attack me.

But it would be a shame to not let him do anything…

“I’ll show you my pussy, so can I stay over?
You can jerk off if you want.”

He brings his face close to my crotch, devouring it. Is he a virgin?

I have no resistance to being seen or touched.

I’m not afraid to let him masturbate… so I’ll let him have sex with me.

“You can do whatever you want to me while I’m reading manga, but if you do it too vigorously I won’t be able to read, so don’t bother me.”

I can hear his panting. I know he’s inside me.
But I still can’t feel anything.

One day, he just licks me without inserting anything.

10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes…

Huh? I’m hearing some weird noises…is that me?

I wonder why it feels good…

As he keeps fucking me, my body gradually starts to feel something.

I thought I was just hanging out there wanting to read manga, but before I knew it, I was going to his room to borrow his dick.

Actors: Ito Mayuki

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